Adshel | specifications

Adshel surfaces serve as striking brand builders in urban settings. The Adshel network brings your campaign close to shopping locations amidst bustling crowds. Execute an effective outdoor advertising campaign by engaging with consumers right where they move.




File type

PDF 1.4 or newer, texts converted, in CMYK colours.

Size/Poster size:
1180 x 1735 mm

Size/Visible area:
1160 x 1715 mm

Planning size:
314 x 461 mm

Planning resolution:
300 dpi

Bleed in planning size:
3 mm 

Colour profile:
Fogra39 coated paper



Delivery time:
Two weeks prior to the start of the campaign through the material portal.

Material portal:

If the material is delivered ready to post:
Deadline is one week before campaign launch to delivery address.

Delivery address:
Clear Channel Suomi Oy
Tiilitie 7
01720 Vantaa

Production and materials

Naming the material:
Year_week_advertiser_campaign subject

Advertising material:
Advertising material has to match Clear Channel production requirements.

Material requirement:
Tom & Otto silk 130g

Maintenance extra: 
The delivered advertising material should include a 10% maintenance extra.

Additional information: 
p. +358 207312030


File type

Format: MP4 (H.264 compressed) or JPG. (25 fps)

Resolution: 1080 x 1920 px (Portrait 9:16)

Maximum file size:
20 MB  

Spot length:
10 s

White colour code:
R230, G230, B230 / #e6e6e6 (optimal colour brightness)

10% / side

Place essential information within the margins, as we may scale the material to match the resolution of the advertising display.


Delivery time:
4 business days before the start of the campaign by 12:00 PM.

Naming the material: Year_week_advertiser_campaign subject

For additional information regarding production and materials:

Delivery address for materials:

Content management fee

Content management fee
390 €

Cost includes:
1 to 6 materials at a time.

In case of material changes:
If the material is changed during the campaign or the material is delivered later while the campaign is running, a new fee is invoiced.

Ota yhteyttä

Call us

0207 312 000. or send an email to