File type
Format: MP4 (H.264 compressed) or JPG. (25 fps)
Resolution: 2560 x 512 px
Maximum file size: 20 MB
Spot length: 10 s
White colour code: R230, G230, B230 / #e6e6e6 (optimal colour brightness)
Execute a standout campaign in the departure halls of Helsinki Central Railway Station and Tampere Railway Station. Effortlessly engage both arriving and departing passengers at the focal points of Finland's railway network.
Format: MP4 (H.264 compressed) or JPG. (25 fps)
Resolution: 2560 x 512 px
Maximum file size: 20 MB
Spot length: 10 s
White colour code: R230, G230, B230 / #e6e6e6 (optimal colour brightness)
Delivery time:
4 business days before the start of the campaign by 12:00 PM.
Naming the material: Year_week_advertiser_campaign subject
For additional information regarding production and materials:
Delivery address for materials:
Content management fee:
390 €
Cost includes:
1 to 6 materials at a time.
In case of material changes:
If the material is changed during the campaign or the material is delivered later while the campaign is running, a new fee is invoiced.
2 digital screens | 19,7 m²
4 digital screens | 19,7 m²
1 digital screen | 19,7 m²
0207 312 000. or send an email to
Call +358 2017 312 000